Tuesday, September 16, 2008

September Submission #3

Sometimes I really think natural disasters happen to weed out the gene pool. As I sit on my comfy couch and watch tv, I see tragedy in the southern states due to weather. I see this story time and time again.

I am so amazed that people try to "ride out " the storms. Who are these people?
I really wonder what is keeping them there? Is it the old battered house, that already looks like a hurricane hit it, or perhaps its all the wonderful salvage they have in their yard. Is it their old neglected half emaciated dog? Or is it that they just want to show the world how big their balls are for staying to "fight". The emergency workers plead, the politicians plead, they go on tv and say "leave or imminent death" but no, these people are above that.

Now here's my favorite part, the storm hits, and it appears to be laughing as it slaps these peoples houses. The horror, the water, the flying debris. The weathermen are risking life and limb and being filmed while they are half blown away, to get that perfect shot. The whole freaking town is turned upside down. To my amazement, these people make it. You see them waddling in filth ridden waters. It must be like that thing where a drunk driver never gets hurt in an accident but everyone else does... Then, the newscasters have a way of finding that one person. You know the woman, an older lady, with ragged curls, she's still wearing her floral moo moo, she's holding a cold beer in one hand, She is mad as hell that nobody evacuated her in time!

But alas that old lady is getting the last laugh at us, as our taxpaying dollars go toward rebuilding her run down house and giving her a standard of living higher than she has seen. She waits, and waits, for it all will happen again, maybe she can get a finished basement in the next house?

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